jueves, septiembre 12, 2024

Rocktrospectiva: The Challenging "Results" Turns 35

Released on 12 September 1989, "Results" was the ninth studio album by Liza Minnelli, produced by the Pet Shop Boys and Julian Mendelsohn, the album was a huge success in the UK reaching No. 6 on the Album Chart, also spwaned four singles "Losing My Mind", "Don't Drop Bombs", "So Sorry, I Said", & "Love Pains". 
Back in 1988, Liza Minnelli, had expressed an interest in doing a pop album, completely in contrast with her normal output when she joined Epic Records. So Tom Watkins, the manager of the Pet Shop Boys was in the US offices at Epic around this time, promoting his new band Bros and heard that Minnelli had just been signed by Epic and suggested that The Pet Shop Boys could work with her on the album. 
And that was it, Minelli had heard their song "Rent" and loved it and was thrilled to hear that they might be interested to work with her. Tennant was already a fan of Minnelli and set about writing some songs specifically for her. In March 1989, Minnelli was on tour in London and recorded the vocals for the album during the day. She was surprised on arriving at the studios to learn that the musical backing had already been recorded, a process she was unfamiliar with. She found working with the duo to be great fun but also challenging, saying that Tennant did not compromise and would push her vocally to ranges lower than she was used to. In general, she was impressed with the duo's work lyrically, and was very pleased with the finished album.
Results Track List:
1. I Want You Now
2. Losing My Mind
3. If There Was Love
4. So Sorry, I Said
5. Don't Drop Bombs
6. Twist In My Sobriety
7. Rent 
8. Love Pains
9. Tonight Is Forever
10. I Can't Say Goodnight

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