jueves, julio 25, 2024

Rocktrospectiva: The Powerful And Remarkable "Trash" Turn 35

Released on 25 July 1989, "Trash" was the eleventh studio album by American rocker Alice Cooper, the album marked a great success in Mr. Cooper's musical career, peaking the top 20 on Billboard 200 and No. 2 in the UK., the album features the singles "Poison", "House Of Fire", "Bed Of Nails" & "Only My Heart Talkin'". The album remains as a huge hit amongst the albums from the hair metal era. 
Indeed Cooper spent most of the decade looking for a massive hit, before his brilliant return to music industry, he had a fantastic moment with the "The Nightmare Return" tour, then he sought assitance from Desmond Child to creat a comeback album. The album features many guest performances including Jon Bon Jovi, Stiv Bators, and singer/guitarist Kane Roberts, as well as four of the five members of Aerosmith, Cooper's 1970s contemporaries who were also making a successful comeback at the time. Songwriting contributions were also made by Joan Jett, Diane Warren, Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, and John McCurry. 
The brand new album was less gore and more oriented to MOR, and the formula delivered a million-selling album that finally resuscitated his career. It was his first top 10 in over a decade and this pushed a succesful tour, attracting new young audiences, at the time, Cooper was fired from MCA after a few dissapointed albums, so he moved out to Epic, the collaborations delivered an astonishing tracks including a new band that brought a blend of fresh sound and style.
It was like all the firepower combined to bring a fantastic Cooper comeback to Top 40, and also introduced him to a brand new generations of listeners, thanks to an album that doesn't sound like corporative pop but and Alice Cooper huge and louder like a thunder album, well-balanced to make a way to radio demands for softer stuff against his own point of view, and this time he co-wrote every track on the album, turning him into a unlikely idol for MTV standars at 41 years old back then. 
The record opened with the brilliant "Posion" a rock anthem with its infectious chorus, driving guitars, and Alice's signature snarl made it a massive hit, so much so that it could be said to be Cooper’s trademark tune, "Spark In The Dark" continues with the energetic vibe with catchy hooks and a strong, rhythmic drive. It exemplifies the album's glam metal styling, with layers of guitar riffs and a memorable chorus, the awesome "House Of Fire" was another high-energy rocker that shines, due in part to its collaborative songwriting between Cooper, Child, and Joan Jett. Add a few killer guitar licks from Joe Perry and you’ve got an incredible rock and roll tune with melodic sensibilities, "Why Trust You" had a punchy rhythm, aggressive guitar work and Cooper’s gritty vocal delivery, "Only My Heart Talkin'", a power ballad that features Steven Tyler on vocals; a combination that works exceedingly well. 
"Bed Of Nails" was again co-written with Cooper, Child, and Diane Warren is a perfect blend of hard rock and pop sensibilities an anthemic quality and catchy chorus make it a standout track and was mildly successful when released as a single, "This Maniac's In Love With You" has playful lyrics and upbeat tempo, a reminder of Cooper's roots in rock and performance art, "Trash" was a rebellious high-energy number with a raw edge., "Hell Is Living Without You" was a magnificent tune with a moodier and slower tempo and finally "I'm Your Gun", closes the album brilliantly a fast-paced rocker with aggressive guitar riffs and an unapologetically bold attitude is a fitting end to an album full of high-energy tunes. 
The album received mostly positive reviews, describing the record as a highly slick and commercial edgy pop metal, which restored his way back to top 40, a great louder album and a landmark for Cooper, blending his iconic shocking rock style with the glam metal sound of the late 80s., filled with memorable his, expert production and of course the brilliant and charismatic performance style, remaining as a testament to his adaptability and enduring appeal. 

Trash Track List: 

1. Poison
2. Spark In The Dark
3. House Of Fire
4. Why Trust You
5. Only My Heart Talkin'
6. Bed Of Nails 
7. The Maniac's In Love With You
8. Trash 
9. Hell Is Living Without you
10. I'm Your Gun

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